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The World Has Gone Wireless, So Why Do We Still Have Cables?

We live in an age of ubiquitous wireless connectivity. Whether you are on the corporate Wi-Fi at the office, teleworking using your home Wi-Fi, logged on at the local coffee shop, or using the mobile cellular network, it’s pretty much a given that you won’t need a cable to get a reliable network connection. But in this era of wireless connectivity, why do AV installations still rely on so many cables? There are many reasons quality A/V implementations still rely heavily on cables but here are the top four:

Wireless transmission and power technologies continue to improve, so it is probably only a matter of time before we can truly cut the cord in AV installations. However for the time being hiding cables, reducing cable bulk and decreasing the sheer number of connections will continue to be a challenge facing professional A/V designers and installers.

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