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AVPhenom Press Release Challenge! Round 2 (Ding Ding)

Last week I took on a press release by Crestron that needed a little help providing specifics and context to a plethora of product features.  Many of these highly technical or feature rich product press releases just need help connecting the dots between the features and why integrators should care about them.

But what if the product you are releasing is fairly simple and not highly technical?

My release this week deals with a product that is just that.  It is a fairly simple product, but there is a wide need for it in the burgeoning world of Video Conferencing.  With simple products it sometimes seems hard to make them exciting.  You can’t dazzle with speeds and feeds or tech specs.  My advice in these cases is to create an identifiable theme that will resonate and draw analogies between your product and something else.

Kudos to Penny Sitler and Terry Coffey at Draper Inc, as they actually sent me one of their Draper Press Releases from InfoComm13 to see what I could do with it.  I commend them for putting themselves out there, and being open to ideas on how they may be able to take their press releases up a notch.

The original Draper release that I was given can be found on this page.  Click the link for the Word Doc to get the text version I used.  Then read my version below and let me know if I was able to make it stand out a little more.



Draper’s “Backgrounds” Hit All the Right Notes

(Spiceland,Ind.) – Let’s face it, not all offices or conference rooms are ideal for video conferencing.  A white wall in the background, a corkboard full of company announcements, or the random employee walking through to get coffee can make a great company look a lot like a garage band.  That’s why Draper has created a wide array of professional backgrounds for video conferencing needs.  Take video conferences up an octave in one of 3 ways.

Neutrals– In music, neutral notes are used for instruments that set tempo, like the steady beat of a drum.  In similar fashion, Draper’s Neutral Backgrounds set the tempo and mood of meetings from their start.  The Neutral Backgrounds include six standard colors composed with earthy tones chosen specifically to eliminate in call distractions, help prevent unwanted interference, control room lighting and bring multiple corporate locations into perfect harmony.

Draper’s Printed Backgrounds brand video conferences and eliminate distractions behind participants.

Printed- Just like the pioneers of the one true American art form, Jazz, some companies want to express themselves in a unique way. Draper’s Printed Backgrounds can convey that independent spirit through a well placed brand message.  These highly orchestrated backgrounds can also give your telepresence an air of professionalism and help improve communication by relating a sense of place. They can be printed with custom artwork, photographs, corporate logos and more.

Chroma Key– To provide the proper variation, video conferencing often benefits from the ability to change background images or show live action video footage behind the participants. Draper’s Chroma Key Backgrounds, (A.K.A “blue screen” or “green screen” technology), make it easy to add these digital images and engaging videos to your video conference. With Draper’s Chroma Key Backgrounds your video conferencing will never go flat or sharp again.

Draper’s Video Conferencing Backgrounds are motorized, manual or fixed. They can be ceiling-recessed, wall mounted or portable. Combine that with all of the Neutral, Printed, or Chroma Key backdrop options, and the fact is that Draper has the instrument to hit the right note.

Don’t let your video conferences go off key.  Get by with a little help from your friends. . . at Draper.

For more information on Draper’s Video Conferencing Backgrounds and other products in the new telepresence line, stop by booth 2531 at InfoComm, June 12-14 in Orlando, or visit

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