Building Resilience Into Your Schedule

It’s important to be resilient. In this context, that means being prepared for the worst. Everyone knows Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” And there are others like, “The first casualty of every battle is the plan,” or “Every solution has two problems,” and of course, “You don’t need to go […]

Building Resilience Into Your Schedule

Are You Profiting From Your Labor?

One of the topics I address regularly in meetings with my dealers is the pace of change, and that there are very few things you can count on to deliver top line and bottom line results long term. In these discussions I point out that the product categories I made a living on in the […]

Are You Profiting From Your Labor?

The Cost of Late Adoption

If you are a student of technology adoption, you’ve most likely seen this curve.                 Image via Wikipedia It’s the Technology Adoption curve and it reveals how people adopt technology over time. Looking at the curve as an integrator, you may use this curve to justify a delayed […]

The Cost of Late Adoption

Fewer Sources: Less Money, Or More?

If there’s any one trend that residential AV integrators need to come to grips with, it’s the fact that what’s driving the business today isn’t hardware, it’s content. Time was you could tell a great AV system on sight not just by the quality of the gear, but the number of source devices involved. At […]

Fewer Sources: Less Money, Or More?

Making More Money As an Integrator

I remember a few years back, before I started in social media and blogging, I was very active in some AV industry chats and forums. One of those forums used to ask questions of established industry veterans about industry practices and standards. As you may imagine, there were sometimes few responses, as it seems that […]

Making More Money As an Integrator

Say Goodbye to the Sharp That We Knew

Sharp sunk further in the fiscal year that ended in March and it has surrendered more control to its creditors in an effort to revive its businesses. As outgoing chairman Takahashi told reporters in Japan [source: DowJones Newswires], “We need to say goodbye to the Sharp that we knew in recent years. We need to be ready […]

Say Goodbye to the Sharp That We Knew