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NUGEN Audio Releases Aligner Plug-In With Improved Algorithm for Purchase

nugen audio aligner plug in

NUGEN Audio announces the full availability of its Aligner plug-in, complete with updated features and functionality. Initially offered as a “stealth” product for NUGEN subscribers who responded to the company’s annual survey, Aligner is now available for anyone to buy, with an improved algorithm from the original release. Designed to enhance the daily workflow of audio engineers with convenience and speed, NUGEN says the plug-in can align audio with just the touch of a button.

Using more than one microphone to record a sound source will sometimes cause phase or polarity issues between different tracks due to mic distance — or any other factor that causes the audio to reach one track before the other.

Aligner features two kinds of bypass controls: one for all tracks at once and another for each individual channel. With this plug-in, users can choose which of the audio tracks they want as a reference point for other tracks to align with. Additionally, Aligner includes a polarity parameter to show if any of the tracks switched polarities while employing the plug-in.

For users who prefer to align an audio track independently, Aligner also allows them to make sample delay or phase adjustments manually.

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