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Genelec Adds GLM 4.2 Loudspeaker Manager Software To Make Smart Active Monitoring Systems More User-Friendly


Genelec says it has made configuring and managing its Smart Active Monitoring systems more user-friendly with the introduction of its GLM 4.2 loudspeaker manager software, and the new 9301B multichannel AES/EBU interface. These two additions to the range allow creation of scalable immersive monitoring systems up to 16 channels, using one or more bass-managed subwoofers, or 32 channels if using a second 9301B.

The GLM 4.2 update is powered by the AutoCal 2 automatic room calibration algorithm and introduces new features, including the GRADE Room Acoustic Report, remote control of key parameters and improved symmetric calibration of groups of monitors and subwoofers.

The report analyzes a wide range of variables including frequency response accuracy and early vs. late sound at the listening position, time of flight accuracy, early reflection structure and a complete room acoustic analysis. These all combine to identify the reasons for any inaccuracy in sound color, the precision of stereo imaging, the degree of listener envelopment, subwoofer and bass management performance and more.

By introducing MIDI remote compatibility, GLM 4.2 claims to create a smoother monitor control experience with both DAWs and control surfaces, allowing external tactile control of key functions including playback volume level and the activation of mutes, volume presets, bass management and monitor groups.

GLM 4.2 can calibrate both huge and compact monitoring systems alike, enabling listening distances right down to 50 cm (20 inches). The calibration group ID and subwoofer group ID features improve the way that selected monitors can be calibrated as symmetric groups, and multiple subwoofers can now work together in flexible topologies.

Genelec says subwoofer configuration is also improved for immersive users via the new 9301B interface. The 9301B works in conjunction with Genelec 7300 series Smart Active Subwoofers to support up to 16 channels of digital audio in a format that is compatible with the 7300 series’ single AES/EBU XLR input. A single 9301B, therefore, claims to enable support for popular 16 channel formats such as 9.1.6 from a single subwoofer, with an additional 9301B providing compatibility with higher channel count formats such as 22.2 and others.

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