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Eye Control My TVs Now

Here at ISE you see a lot of digital signage, touch screens, and other innovative video screens. But the one thing I bet you wish you could have in your very own home is a TV controlled by your very own eyes.  Sovato certainly caught my attention with this one.

Watch the Sovato video here

You simply look at the screen, move your eyes, focus on the choice you want, and bam you wish is its command.  Now, I realize there may already be products like this out there in the technology world, but I haven’t seen one so for me this was good technology at work.  We’ve all had one of those situations when we’re lying comfortably on the couch under warm blankets and realize we can’t find the remote.  In this situation I would typically watch bad televisions show until I can’t take it anymore and then eventually give in and disrupt my peace to find the remote.  But with this product, the game of loosing the remote could eventually be none existent.  I am excited to see what will come next for this product and this type of technology.

I’ll keep my eyes out.

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