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Audio Tips & Tricks for Video-Enabled Meeting Rooms

If you’ve been in the conferencing industry for a while, you know that vendors (both legacy and new entrants) are constantly introducing new and improved video and audio solutions. When it comes time to roll out video solutions or refresh technology in in existing rooms, or even install video in large spaces like classrooms and auditoriums, audio quality can make or break the video conferencing experience. If you can’t be heard, there’s really no advantage in being seen.

Having been in this industry for more than a decade, I’ve seen what’s considered “state of the art” evolve quite a bit. A few short years ago, the traditional center-of-table speakerphone was considered good enough to place in almost every room. Today’s solutions tailor the audio components to the size and shape of the room; they also consider the type of collaboration that happens in those rooms. Audio is no longer a binary choice between basic tabletop speakerphones and pro AV installed audio.

Below are a few tips to optimize audio quality in your collaboration spaces.


Tailor your audio solution to the room. One size does NOT fit all. Research whether the audio solution you’re considering is designed with the specific size and shape of your space.

Know your microphones. Make sure you provide sufficient mics to cover the full room. Check your vendor’s mic range and follow their guidelines. Not all mics have the same range so don’t simply assume “a mic is a mic.”

Look for these audio technologies:

Pay attention to room acoustics. Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish when it comes to acoustic treatments. Poor acoustic design in a room can compromise the most advanced audio technologies. Resist your architect’s desire to design every room with four glass walls and shiny surfaces. Insist upon acoustic tiles, at least one wall that is not glass, and carpet or other fabric treatment to absorb sound. Even plants can help eliminate reverb so use your green thumb.

As meeting rooms solutions continue to evolve, vendors will continue to improve their technology using artificial intelligence and machine learning to further improve the audio experience. The meeting rooms of the future will self tune to adapt to changing conditions  using these and other futuristic technologies. I’m personally excited to see how things evolve, and I’d love to hear your thoughts as well.


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