Yet Another LED Lighting Update
It just occurred to me that I haven’t bored updated rAVe readers the state of my light-bulb quest since November of last year.
No time like the present, I always say.
Last time I checked in on my efforts to switch my home over to LED lighting, the grand total sat at 58% LED, with the balance of the remaining being a mix of old incandescent and CFL fixtures.
And to reiterate, in the high traffic/high occupancy areas of the house, LED coverage is 100%.
Taking an audit of light fixtures today, what’s the grand total of LED?
Progress marches on.
The latest push was driven by a new sale at Costco: 3-packs of LED bulbs for $13.99, so $4.66 a bulb.
Incidentally, I was at a friend’s house recently, and he was showing off the color-shifting LED bulbs he’d installed in his living and dining room area; their preset scenes and all the control he had over them from the app on his phone.
I’ve considered experimenting with color-shifting LEDs, but right now there’s only two things stopping me.
The first is that I live with a technophobe who, according to my best tests emits some sort of technology-disabling field. Electronics don’t work well in her presence.
That may be hyperbole, but she definitely dislikes complexity. Having to control light bulbs from a phone app would be a no go.
The other barrier is that, last time I priced them out color-shifting light bulbs were like $40 each.