We Need More Than Just Eisenhower
I have been thinking a lot about what causes people to become truly great, what kind of family do they come from, what key events took place in their lives, what their parents were like, what people crossed their path that positively impacted them, what book did they read, who are their mentors. Recently, I read a book called Father Fiction by Donald Miller. He talks about this concept as it relates to Dwight D. Eisenhower.
From a very young age, Eisenhower’s parents directed the course of his life by instilling the principle that “the world could be fixed of its problems if every child understood the necessity of their existence.“ From this one thought, Eisenhower lived his life with a confidence and a purpose to become a great man because the world needed him; the world’s course would be worse without him. He went on to become a 5-Star General in World War II and later the 34th President of the United States.
The holiday season is huge for my company as we are in the shipping business, primarily for web retailers. Today, I spoke with my staff to make sure that they knew that each of them is not only valued in our company but truly needed for our company to work. Do employees at most companies feel needed?
Look beyond the pressure that you might think could exist from this feeling of being needed to the positive impact of feeling wanted and powerfully connected with your community with the knowledge that your presence makes things better. What would things look like if every child was instilled with value to the point of feeling like the world truly required not only their presence but their action?
In the holiday classic It’s A Wonderful Life, the main character George Bailey is given a view of just how much he was needed by his community and family. What he sees is that his relatively plain life has dramatically impacted the world around him.
Do your children know that you need them in your life? Does your spouse? Co-workers?
There is a dangerous alternative for someone if they are not made to feel needed – that is for that person to feel like a burden to those around them. For adults, I think that it is easier to rationalize being needed: providing for children, caring for elderly parents, making donations to a non-profit, and so on. However, children are much more susceptible to feeling like burdens to their parents and others. Every child should be made to feel needed as this drives purpose and value, as well as a connection to society.
We exist to be in community with each other. We need others in our lives for physical and emotional reasons. Quite often, we overlook the emotional side and fail to leave others with the feeling that we need them. Thank those in your life by letting them know that you need them and that the world needs them. We will all benefit.
Happy Thanksgiving!