Waves Audio and Lawo are Finally Working Together

waves audio lawo

Waves Audio and Lawo announced that Waves SuperRack LiveBox is now compatible with Lawo’s mc² mixing consoles, providing flexibility for live sound applications.

The integration of LiveBox with Lawo consoles empowers audio professionals with control and flexibility, which includes access to, and control of, just about any studio-grade VST3 plug-in on the market — whether developed by Waves or by other vendors.

Subsequently, audio engineers are now free to amp-up the audio quality with a host of creative possibilities. The long-standing partnership between Waves and Lawo means that all effects plugins hosted on the new SuperRack LiveBox can be controlled directly from a Lawo console with Snapshot-specific parameter saves and recalls. This further streamlines the live mixing process, enabling engineers to intuitively craft their soundscapes based on the convenience of AES67-based AoIP connections for seamless networking.
