Want to Start an AV Company? Go to Hell (or Heaven)
One of the best niches in AV today is digital signage. It’s also the most profitable segment of the AV market right now. However, it’s so IT-focused that the average AV dealer is scared to jump in. Thus, we (the AV’ers) are doing less than 25 percent of all digital signage systems in the planet.
But, here’s a more niche market than just digital signage — and it’s super-profitable and, isn’t IT-focused so you shouldn’t be scared to jump right in: FuneralAV.
Yes, FuneralAV.
Indirectly, there was actually a great article on this in last weekend’s Wall Street Journal that described how the funeral industry has been struggling to stay relevant in the wake of the movement towards cremation, rather than a traditional burial. In the article, the journalist focused on a Florida-based Foundation Partners Group that performs experience-based memorials using AV technology, including Scalable Technologies’ HUDDLEWALL, which blends multiple projected images together to create a giant moving-image/scene (using video) of what the deceased would have liked — e.g., a golf course, a beach, space-station footage, etc.
Yes, this is one heck of a niche, but it’s going to do nothing but grow. And, according to a recent study by the Cremation Association of North America, the U.S. cremation rate is trending up — from 45.3 percent in 2013 to an expected 50.6 percent in 2018.
With the rise of AR, VR and 360-video, an immersive-style funeral experience will continue to grow. Thus, more AV.
So, there you go…