Videotel Intros New HD2700 D Industrial Looping DVD Player
Videotel Digital announced the release of their newest looping industrial dvd player, the HD2700 D. It’s a DVD player that’s used with Videotel’s IPM, IPH and interactive module options to enhance content. Allowing the user to uniquely trigger content with LED push buttons, motion, proximity and weight sensors. Now informative marketing or educational messages can be displayed easier than ever and as dynamically as possible.
Triggering multiple content files burned on a DVD, advertising or informational text, images or video content can be scheduled for play throughout the day. Specific text files can be loaded onto playlists directly on the DVD. From there they can run with an image quality of 1080p HDMI resolution with no added software required. Seamlessly repeats without the use of a remote, the DVD player thinks for itself. It buffers and stores content to an internal RAM that plays direct from memory.
Used with Videotel’s PUSH, MOVE, WAVE and ELEVATE interactive modules the HD2700 D DVD Player makes quite an impact on its audience. The PUSH interactive module systematically enhances the display with LED push buttons while MOVE incites motion sensors. Proximity sensors are signaled by the WAVE module and ELEVATE navigates weight.