The Power of New
Why is it that something new always re-energizes us? Like, what is it about that NEW thing that we are so drawn to? It’s like we get bored or tired of our status quo.
With that quick set-up, I’m going to attempt to make an analogy here. Bear with me.
My example: I’m a runner… who hates running. True things.
One month from today I’m running a half-marathon in the Outer Banks here in North Carolina. However, to be completely honest, my training over the last few months has been, dare I say, awful.
I haven’t felt motivated, and I continuously have found an excuse to run less than my scheduled distance. Whether it was too hot, or too rainy, or my stomach hurt, or my knee hurt, or I was too tired – I was a big ol’ whiner and found an excuse not to do it.
That’s not the Molly Buckley I know.
I also knew I needed new running shoes. Badly. They say you’re only supposed to run 300-400 miles MAX in a pair of shoes, and I had easily put 600-800 miles on mine. They were killing my feet / shins / knees. And, yet again, I kept finding an excuse to NOT get something as simple as a new pair of shoes. No money, time, yada yada yada, blah blah blah.
Well, this past Monday, I FINALLY went and got myself a snazzy new pair of running shoes (pictured – aren’t they flippin’ saweet?! They’re the brand new Brooks PureFlow / Pure Project shoes. BOOM!) They’re totally different than anything I’ve ever run in before, and all week I’ve been PUMPED to go running in them. I’ve run the last 3 days in a row – and I keep running farther than I did the night before. I’ve not only stayed on my schedule, but I’ve exceeded what I’ve scheduled myself to do.
Why is it that something as simple as my new shoes has renewed my “love” of running? Well, maybe I should say my motivation. Sure, the obvious answer is, “Oh, well the shoes don’t hurt your feet anymore. Therefore, it’s purely a physical thing.” Or something to that effect. But is that REALLY the answer?
Whether it’s a new job, that new relationship, a new pair of shoes, new car, that favorite new Britney Spears I, (*cough* I mean we), just downloaded and play over and over again, etc. New stuff gets us every time. And inevitably, the day comes where we bore of that “new” thing, because that “new” thing is now that “old” thing, and we move on to the next “new” thing.
Have I lost you yet?
So, the challenge, or I guess really the question, becomes: how do we maintain our enthusiasm for those “old” things? Because those old things can still be wonderful things.
Frankly, I don’t plan to stop running anytime soon. So, I keep it interesting – perhaps, I try running on a new trail, or getting a new pair of shoes, or cute running shorts, or run a different race. You have to keep challenging yourself, otherwise you’ll fall into that same ol’ same ol’.
And hey, when it comes to your job – whether you’ve been working somewhere for 10 days or 10 years, you have to try new things. Step outside of your comfort zone. Attend a new conference in your field, explore new ideas, take on new tasks, eat lunch somewhere different, take a different route to work, talk to your boss about growth opportunities. Anything.
And our relationships with our boyfriends / girlfriends / husbands / wives? Get all dressed up like you used to in the beginning of your relationship and got out on a date night at the fancy new restaurant in town. Take a class together. Switch it up. Challenge each other. You get the point.
Really this whole notion can be applied to any area of our lives – both personal and professional. It’s just so important that we acknowledge our status quo, check-in, evaluate the ‘sitcheeation’, and then figure out where we grow from there. (Get it? See what I did there? Go from there = grow from there? No? Bueller?)
Ah, it’s fine. I’m hungry.
What do YOU do to keep yourself energized and fresh? How do YOU allow yourself to challenge your own personal status quo?
All for now.