Teens’ view of their first ever Infocomm experience
If you were ever wondering what an industry newbie thought of this year’s show, the following are interviews with three teens who had a chance to go to the show for the very first time. I still haven’t attended a show yet all the way from India, maybe I should start a gofundme page for it 🙂 but I believe that all the feedback should definitely be of help to the show organizers for Infocomm 18 or future shows.
AVIXA formely known as Infocomm partnered with EnventU so that high school students can experience the Infocomm show and the students were selected after a special classroom session with the trip totally sponsored.
If you missed going to it, here is our complete InfoComm 2017 coverage and be sure to check out our best from the show floor.
So here are the viewpoints from the show attendees and the EnventU.
Karrington Smith :
1. How was your experience attending the InfoComm 17?
My experience attending Infocomm17 was amazing! I was shocked with all the new technology, ideas, and creations. Every aspect of AV was present and all of it was impressive.
2. Which booths did you particularly like and why?
My absolute favorite booth was Black Magic. Their cameras, although very expensive, are very high quality and I’m currently saving up to get one.
3. Did you attend courses at InfoComm, if so, which ones and why?
We went to two courses at InfoComm. One course was interactive white boards and the other was BrightSign. We took those courses to see what it was like to take an AV certification class.
4. Are you interested in a career in AV? If so, what interests you most about the industry and what kind of AV job would you consider?
I’d say I’m definitely interested in a career in AV. What interests me most about the industry is the visual aspect, so I’d consider being a photographer.
Jose Martinez :
1. How was your experience attending the InfoComm 17?
Attending InfoComm 17 was very important to me. It’s something I will never forget. I learned so much. InfoComm helped changed my perspective in life, the way I see things is way different now. If you ever have the chance to attend InfoComm’s tradeshows I recommend you go. You won’t regret it! It’s so eventful and unique I love InfoComm. It was the best experience ever.
2. Which booths did you particularly like and why?
I enjoyed every single booth I visited! Even though I wasn’t able to make it to all, the ones I visited were so organized and touched every single point and didn’t miss anything. When I was done listening to them I was shocked because every question I had they had answered in the presentation. I do have one booth that I really enjoyed which was rAVe’s booth. It was so unique like no other booth I’ve ever seen. It was filled with so much energy. I don’t know how they do it but they were everywhere! Literally every booth I went to rAVe was there…it was wonderful.
3. Did you attend courses at InfoComm, if so, which ones and why?
Yes, I attended a few classes but I don’t really recall the names of them, but I got a lot of information out of them.
4. Are you interested in a career in AV? If so, what interests you most about the industry and what kind of AV job would you consider?
Yes, a career in the AV industry is something I’m looking forward to. Actually, I was looking into cyber security and I managed to talk to a few hackers that were there and they gave me their number and website.
Keiri Segovia :
1. How was your experience attending the InfoComm 17?
My experience at Infocomm17 was special. Walking around seeing how one person’s ideas can help others was incredible. It was good to learn something new…something that I never knew could be so important.
2. Which booths did you particularly like and why?
The booth that I liked the most would probably have been the Mitsubishi Booth. The TVs really got my attention because they were so thin! I also liked the TVs that could bend. I liked how AV was mixed into the architecture and engineering, all at once.
3. Did you attend courses at InfoComm, if so, which ones and why?
One course that we attended at InfoComm was BrightSign. Most of the time the things they were talking about, the audience already knew but I did not. 4. Are you interested in a career in AV? If so, what interests you most about the industry and what kind of AV job would you consider?
I am interested in an AV career because I work with my father and doing our job in television is part of AV.
Finally, here is what Latoya Lewis, EnventU founder and CEO had to say about this  education initiative which has helped connecting students with event professionals:
1. What inspired you to seek a partnership with InfoComm?
Connecting students with event professionals is what we do! We seek partnerships with reputable organizations where we can be assured our students are gaining industry knowledge that is relevant and transferable to the “real-world”. When it comes to AV, InfoComm is simply the best! From the creation of the Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) designation to the mission work of their foundation, the International Communications Industry Foundation (ICIF), it’s obvious workforce development is a major focus for InfoComm which clearly shows our organizations are aligned.
2. Why is AV important to teach as part of the EnventU curriculum?
The AV components of a special event don’t often get much attention – at least when pulled off seamlessly. Our collaboration with InfoComm will showcase how critical A/V is to creating a great event and give our students another avenue to explore as they think about future career options.
3. What do you hope students gained from their experience at InfoComm?
A trade show as comprehensive as InfoComm can be overwhelming to the most skilled technology expert, so I didn’t push for my students to walk-away with their career paths solidified in AV. My only hope was to expose my students to an industry which had previously been foreign to them and encourage them to imagine themselves in it should they feel compelled by their experience. Nothing is impossible…every opportunity can be theirs should they dare to invent themselves through events!
4. What were your most important takeaways from InfoComm 17?
As an educator, what resonated with me most was the ever-changing field of technology…I mean it’s nearly impossible to keep up! Because our students are true “digital natives”, having been born and growing up with computers, smart phones and other digital devices, they consume and absorb information differently. Our methods of education and training must keep-up with that reality. Technology must be infused in our curriculum. From using digital white boards and touch screens to maximizing delivery of content in a virtual space; as educators, technology tradeshows like InfoComm are imperative to our professional development as well.
About EnventU
EnventU is a one-of-its-kind educational initiative designed to introduce and nurture an interest in event industry career opportunities for public high school students. Events industry veteran Latoya Lewis established the initiative in 2015. Lewis saw an opportunity to draw her colleagues into local communities to create impactful learning opportunities that inspire and cultivate an interest in the live events industry. EnventU currently serves students at  Maya Angelou Public Charter School , Frank W. Ballou Senior High School and Columbia Heights Educational Campus in Washington, D.C. For more information, visit www.enventu.org or follow EnventU on Twitter at @EnventUOrg, on Instagram or on Facebook.
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