Tannoy New VLS Series: Three’s Company

The new Tannoy VLS Series includes three passive column array loudspeakers:

  • The VLS 7 – 7 x 3.5” (89 mm) with LF transducers mounted in a vertical array
  • The VLS 15 – 7 x 3.5” (89 mm) with LF transducers mounted in vertical array with an assembly of densely spaced 8 x 1” (25 mm) HF transducers mounted co-axially over a section of the LF
  • The VLS 30 has 14 x 3.5” (89 mm) LF transducers mounted in vertical array with an assembly of densely spaced 16 x 1” (25 mm) HF transducers mounted co-axially over a section of the LF.

The best part? They offer Tannoy FAST (Focussed Asymmetrical Shaping Technology) using asymmetrical vertical dispersion to shape coverage toward the lower quadrant of the vertical axis. Rest assured: you’re in good company.

More details here:
