Social Media – Blessing or Curse?

Like so many industries, the AV industry has a robust and valuable community in the social media sphere. Many of us have dozens, if not hundreds of contacts and “friends” that we know only via social media. While we have opportunities to catch up and meet during industry events, including the always popular tweet-ups, the […]

Social Media – Blessing or Curse?


Those of you who know me know that I loathe most social media, especially Twitter. I feel that Twitter has done significant damage to our language, to the point that I now get email without punctuation or complete sentences. Our universities seem to have eliminated the essay in favor of the Tweet. I actually heard […]


Time to Consider Social Media Marketing Reach and Engagement Strategy

As I continue to discuss social media and application in the industry, when talking about social media and marketing, there’s a blending of the two that eventually takes place as conventional marketing methods eventually include social media reach and engagement. However, when I say engagement, I not only mean that you are engaging, but how […]

Time to Consider Social Media Marketing Reach and Engagement Strategy

Twitter is Good, But, Not Great! There’s Something Way, Way Better for AV Engagement

We’ve been blown away at how much engagement we have with our readers via the various social media outlets we have. We get hundreds of messages from you EVERY DAY – even on weekends! And, before Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, we barely ever heard from you! And, it’s even more interesting at how segmented […]

Twitter is Good, But, Not Great! There’s Something Way, Way Better for AV Engagement

Gaining New Customers – Strategic Social Media and Marketing Focus For Integrators

Today, some well-known (and even some lesser known) systems integrators have made their mark in marketing and social media, however many are still looking for the proper strategies as well as the more enhanced ways to build the industry profile – especially to gain new customers. It seems that for any company to compete and advance […]

Gaining New Customers – Strategic Social Media and Marketing Focus For Integrators

Twitter is 10 — So We Took a Look at AV’s First Tweets

Did you realize that yesterday was Twitter’s 10th birthday? No other social media app has had as big of an influence on our market as Twitter — more AV’ers are on Twitter than on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram combined. So, we thought, since it was their tenth birthday, we’d take a look some of […]

Twitter is 10 — So We Took a Look at AV’s First Tweets

The Social Business Sphere (of AV) – A Discussion

When we look out at the landscape of the AV industry, we first and foremost see the manufacturers, integrators and consultants that comprise the space. When we talk about #AVTweeps, as there’s been so much discussion about in the last month especially, we are of course talking about what many of us like to refer to […]

The Social Business Sphere (of AV) – A Discussion

The AV Edge: Social Selling and Marketing

Months back, after I had fully developed my second show techXchange (AV Power Up being the other) – a show designed to be about technology, news and trends with a measure of opinion inserted as well – I began to come up with a concept for a new podcast show. The show would exist on the “Edge […]

The AV Edge: Social Selling and Marketing

It’s Social Marketing: In 140 Characters or Less…

One of the trickiest parts of Twitter is crafting your message into a tweet that people want to read, favorite or retweet. That message, though, has to be 140 characters or less. It’s easier than it sounds. More often than not, a short tweet that is simple and to the point is more likely to […]

It’s Social Marketing: In 140 Characters or Less…

It’s Social Marketing: Building Your Timeline

Now that you’ve created a Twitter username and personalized your account, it’s time to start building your timeline. Building Your Timeline In order to read other users’ tweets and have your own tweets read, you need to follow and gain followers. By searching for other users in the search bar, you will be able to click […]

It’s Social Marketing: Building Your Timeline

It’s Social Marketing: Personalizing Your Twitter

Now that you’ve created a Twitter username, it’s time to personalize your account. How do you want users to perceive you or your business on Twitter? It all starts with the basics: name, photo and description. This is your Twitter Bio. Step 1: Make sure your personal information is correct. Next to your username should […]

It’s Social Marketing: Personalizing Your Twitter

It’s Social Marketing: What is This Twitter Thing?

Twitter continues to be a top social medium for those looking to tell a story, share an opinion or convey some type of message to others. In the online world, that can be extremely difficult, yet Twitter enables its users to foster communication very well. Twitter users vary from political figures and celebrities to students and business people, […]

It’s Social Marketing: What is This Twitter Thing?

Flash Fiction Friday — Community, Hashtags, and The Future of AV!

This will be one of two upcoming Flash Fiction Fridays dealing with the moon, and more science-fictional than my usual fare. As readers of this blog know, I not only work in the audiovisual field, but also have a somewhat active presence in the AV online community, including occasional appearance on AV-related podcasts, this blog, […]

Flash Fiction Friday — Community, Hashtags, and The Future of AV!

Twittiquette: 5 Rules Every Twitter User Should Know

I will start by saying I was dragged reluctantly kicking and screaming into the Twitter-verse about 5 years ago.  I had no time or inclination to tweet, post, share, pin, or instagram anything whatsoever.  Only some inside baseball on how social media affects SEO changed my mind, as I was helping launch a new division […]

Twittiquette: 5 Rules Every Twitter User Should Know

rAVe SMB Tip of the Week: Avoid Twitter Misuse

This week’s rAVe SMB tip of the week is all about Twitter misuse… things like retweeting, favoriting, etc.! Your questions answered!

rAVe SMB Tip of the Week: Avoid Twitter Misuse

rAVe To Report LIVE from InfoComm via Twitter

For the 2nd year in a row, we will use the popular micro-blogging site Twitter to report LIVE from the show floor.  Last year, we sent out over 100 “tweets” (messages) and reported on new products we saw, new technologies and even sent photos via Twitter to our “followers” anyone who was subscribed to receive […]

rAVe To Report LIVE from InfoComm via Twitter