On the fiction side of my blog (I still do write fiction when I’m not here) I wrote a recent vignette about a shopper purchasing some pre-peeled oranges in a grocery store. If you’re on social media you’ll likely have seen the photo of said oranges making the rounds as an example of our wasteful […]
SMART kapp was a hit at InfoComm 2014 — not just because it was new, but because it invented a totally new product category for the industry. It has been 20-something years since SMART invented the entire category of what is now known SmartBoards — more broadly known as interactive whiteboards. Well, in 2014, SMART […]
EPSON and Chief Manufacturing have partnered to debut what it will call BrightLink for Boardrooms — although the official name for it is the Epson Brightlink Pro 1410Wi. In case you don’t know, the BrightLink Pro is like a SmartBoard on steroids — it’s an interactive whiteboard with an integrated short-throw projector (PowerLite 1410Wi). The […]
Sure, 80 percent of the attendees of this year’s ISE show in Amsterdam are European, but, it’s the sheer numbers of them that astounded me — and many others here at Integrated Systems Europe in February 2011. Literally almost 35,000 attendees scanned their badges as they walked into the 10 massive halls of AV exhibits […]