Answer honestly (and comment below!): How do you view the House of Worship market? Is it a key part of your business? A market you service, but don’t see as ‘vital’? Or is it the market you’ve learned to avoid? We really do want to hear your answers, because we think this discussion will lead […]
I attend a lot of church conferences and I hear a lot of the same lamenting from smaller churches and church planters: “I wish we had the level of (A/V/L) technology that this church has…” as they stand inside a mega- or giga-church auditorium enjoying the tremendous time, talent and technology accumulated over years. Technology, […]
There’s a booming segment of the house of worship market that is led by young, tech-saavy pastors looking to leverage audio, video and lighting in creative ways. This group is made up of new churches starting from scratch or new churches launched by either a “sending” church or denomination, with some funding to help kick […]