Mike Tyson famously said, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” In much the same way you could say, “Everyone agrees to respect MAP until they need to boost their revenue.” Minimum Advertised Price, or MAP, is the lowest allowable advertised price a brand sets to maintain the integrity of its […]
Control4 Corporation announces that 84 authorized Control4 dealers world-wide will be distinguished with the Pinnacle achievement in 2018. This exclusive status recognizes exceptional growth and consistent quality in Control4 home automation, Pakedge networking, and Triad audio projects. The exclusive Pinnacle distinction signifies that a dealer has developed an immensely successful and long-term partnership with Control4, leading them to purchase one […]
I geek out when I find out new ways of using my smartphone — hidden features or undocumented I-didn’t-know-it-could-do-that shortcuts elicit mini-celebrations and a secret calculation of how much more more value I just got out of the original purchase price. Usually these are shortcuts and features that existed when the phone launched; I’m just […]
Does the value of your product really come down to the lowest price? In an effort to sell more, dealers and systems integrators are often setting the price of their technology based on an aggregate price that they believe will help make the sale happen. Sales may happen, but the value of your brand, manufacturers […]
Professionalism isn’t about not having problems — it’s about how you deal with problems when they happen. But no matter how much planning goes into a project, and no matter how carefully you follow the plan, stuff happens, and you have to deal with it. If you have a system problem, the two equally important […]
I recently wrote a column where I celebrated the few manufacturers that managed to differentiate themselves from the me-too of projector companies out there. Instead of just making smaller, brighter, lighter and higher resolution projectors, they managed to spend the past ten years or so doing things differently so they stand out from the other […]