InfoComm is less than 6 weeks away already — it will be in Las Vegas for the 2022 show. AVIXA CEO, Dave Labuskes, joined Gary on his videocast to tap all-about-InfoComm. Have you registered yet? If not, use our registration code (and gain free entry) “RAVE” by clicking here: There are approximately 700 reasons why you should attend, […]
This year’s ISE Show arrives in Barcelona on 10-13 May 2022. Speaking at a press briefing last week, Integrated Systems Events managing director, Mike Blackman, said: “I’m delighted, and honoured, to be standing here today five years since Integrated Systems Events, and its co-owners AVIXA and CEDIA, decided to relocate the Integrated Systems Europe show […]
THE rAVe Agency’s own Megan A. Dutta, director of emerging markets at LAVNCH, virtually met with Dave Labuskes, CEO of AVIXA, to discuss the many recent cancellations of in-person events in the AV industry and the expectations around InfoComm 2021. As of Sept. 15, 2021, both NAB Show 2021 and Enterprise Connect have been canceled due to rising […]
As I hope you’ve now heard, LAVNCH WEEK 3.0 — three full days of exceptional AV, UCC and Digital Signage-focused education slash content slash thought leadership offering AVIXA CTS RUs — is happening next week. Taking place Feb. 9-11, LAVNCH WEEK 3.0 (what we sometimes like to shorten to LW3 when character counts are tight) […]
Gary talked to AVIXA’s CEO, Dave Labuskes, today so Dave could explain — in great detail — the move of InfoComm from June to October. Remaining in Orlando, the show will now take place Oct. 27-29. This decision was very strategic and, in Gary’s opinion, a phenomenal move. Why? Hint: It’s not all about COVID-19! […]
I was honored to have both the managing director of ISE, Mike Blackman, and the CEO of AVIXA, Dave Labuskes, on my videocast Thursday. The subject? The earlier-this-week show shuffle that ended with ISE’s European-centered AV mega show and the famed InfoComm show both scheduled for June 2021. After watching this, you’ll be convinced this […]
AVIXA hosted its first-ever complete virtual InfoComm show – InfoComm 2020 Connected – June 16-18, bringing together AV professionals from around the globe to learn about the latest products from top manufacturers, tune into keynotes and presentations on trends in technology and markets, and forge new relationships. “When we made the decision to cancel the […]
AVIXA CEO Dave Labuskes joined Gary on his podcast today for a special video interview, not just about InfoComm 2020 Connected but also about the future of our industry. It’s a candid look at how far we’ve come over the last 90 days and where we’re headed — what are the opportunities for us, as […]
The schedule for InfoComm 2020 Connected, which starts today, is exciting and full. InfoComm 2020 Connected is this year’s virtual version of InfoComm — with products, education and networking, organizer AVIXA says; it’s being held the same week that InfoComm would have been held (June 16-18) in person this year. Here’s the breakdown of InfoComm […]
Today in history marks the first-ever day of LAVNCH WEEK, the industry’s first virtual launch event — proudly created and successfully launched by rAVe in partnership with Zoom. Kicking off the day with the very first session of the week was AVIXA CEO David Labuskes. Who better to kick off LAVNCH WEEK than Dave Labuskes? […]
AVIXA CEO Dave Labuskes sent the following letter out to the AV industry today. My thoughts are below his letter. A Letter to the AV Industry I , as many of you, continue to watch the news on a moment-by-moment basis. As we are making decisions that affect our travel, business and family, I want […]
This month I attended AVEC 2019 in New Orleans — that’s AVIXA’s AV Executive Conference, held annually in locations around the U.S. In the past, AVEC has been focused mostly on high-level business and management topics, but this one included panels with industry experts on digital signage, collaboration and higher education. One of the most […]
From Friday’s AVIXA Foundation Career Day, welcoming students to the show, to the more than 40 percent of registered attendees under the age of 40, InfoComm 2019, June 8-14 in Orlando, continued to draw the next generation of audiovisual professionals, as well as a broad cross-section of engaged AV customers from higher education, hospitality, retail […]
ISE 2019 shows how technology and creativity deliver experience The 16th Integrated Systems Europe, which ran at the RAI Amsterdam from 5-8 February, was the biggest, broadest-reaching and most exciting edition of the show ever – confirming it as the international destination of choice for AV professionals. As well as hosting 15 halls containing the […]
AVMI has qualified as an AVIXA AV Provider of Excellence (APEx) for its commitment to delivering industry excellence. The AVIXA APEx program recognizes AV integration companies and AV design consulting firms dedicated to providing quality service to customers. To qualify for the APEx certification companies are evaluated on several aspects like; the number of employees […]
This is a great interview with Dave Labuskes, InfoComm’s Executive Director, who is candid about what both InfoComm and their members need to do to thrive in the future. InfoComm set certification records in 2016 as well as educational records and will certainly set an attendance record. So, what does Dave think InfoComm will be […]
As I ponder each day’s occurrences in the audio visual industry, the one thing that has come to mind lately with all of the articles and blogs I read, as well as podcasts that I listen to, is whether the industry really has an understanding of where it actually is in terms of that so-called […]
My Digital Transformation Part 1 looked at innovation, disruption and the necessary mindshift – Part 2 focuses on how going digital appears to be the ultimatum facing businesses these days, where competitors must seek the proper tools that can give them an edge. Many, however, still find themselves wondering where to begin this transition and the AV industry overall is […]
InfoComm is a co-producer of ISE and their CEO, Dave Labuskes, was all smiles when I stopped him and convinced him to jump on camera with me today. In addition to projecting attendance, Dave talked about the success of ISE as well as their plans for InfoComm in 2016. It’s only a two-minute interview but […]
“What does success look like in 2019 for InfoComm?” asks InfoComm Executive Director Dave Labuskes. This question is at the heart of InfoComm’s new strategic plan, which board members and employees are working hard on and expect to finalize and put into action sometime next year. The new strategic plan was a focus of Labuskes’ […]
By Dave Labuskes InfoComm International Wow! Can you believe we’re only three weeks away from InfoComm 2015?! I’m looking forward to seeing you there (you are coming, aren’t you?). I’m going to give you some advice on how to make the most of your time at the show. Even if you are the ultimate procrastinator […]
Waveguide has qualified as an InfoComm International AV Provider of Excellence, or APEx, making it the first independent consultant in the world to earn the distinction. The InfoComm APEx program recognizes AV design consulting firms and integrators dedicated to industry excellence by providing quality service to customers and adhering to best practices and standards. “With […]
As often happens, I have found myself in the middle of a small debate on AV and IT. This one happens to deal with whether or not AV has become a subset of the IT industry. I wrote a blog on HDBaseT last week that referenced a quote by Dave Labuskes of Infocomm. Many times […]
To begin, I want to speak on a personal level. This blog is without a doubt the most important one I have written yet, and as some out there know it almost didn’t happen for various reasons. However, after much cajoling (in a good way) by certain individuals — yes, you know who you are […]