Everyone who has ever taken a sales training course has been taught this: Don’t pre-judge anyone. Get to know them, and without making assumptions learn who they are (and what they need and want), then sell to them accordingly. We’ve all heard it; yet it still happens. It still happens because people are people, and […]
Mark Twain said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Although lesser known, my grandfather said, “If you live long enough, you get to see it all come around again.” I’ve seen a lot happen over the years. Just to give you some idea of the pace of change over the years: When I […]
A recent discussion on social media centered around relationship selling, what it was and the value of it for all the parties involved. It was a great topic, but on a social media platform, there is very limited time and space to discuss something so important, so I am expanding on my thinking here. Relationship […]
Some solid advice I received long ago was that “you can’t chase every rabbit.” My dogs would disagree, and I see their point, but as business advice goes, it holds up. You need to cultivate long-term relationships with the people you can do business with, not just to look after their needs on a repeat […]