Tachyum Adds Protection from Quantum Computer Cryptographic Attacks

tachyum prodigy

Tachyum announced that it has ported all four of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) quantum-safe algorithms across Prodigy software distributions to ensure data center deployments leveraging the company’s universal processor are quantum-resistant and future-proofed for data security.

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that enables much higher performance for certain algorithms, such as optimization and molecular simulation. Quantum computers operate in fundamentally different ways from traditional computers and pose a threat to data security with Shor’s algorithm — a quantum-computing algorithm that is predicted to break current data security processes within the next five years.

Tachyum’s software engineering team has ported and verified the four quantum-resistant asymmetric algorithms selected by NIST to Prodigy — ML-KEM, ML-DSA, SLH-DSA and Falcon. Prodigy also supports the quantum-safe AES-256 standard, which has already been optimized. Tachyum’s post-quantum cryptography (PQC) will run on all Prodigy platforms.

They’ve published a white paper on it here:
