Stewart Filmscreen Partners with Projector Manufacturers, Show Application-Driven Images at InfoComm 2018
Stewart Filmscreen partnered with Christie and Digital Projection to bring application-driven, reference-quality images to the InfoComm 2018 show floor, where discerning show attendees demand the best possible AV experience.
The only two-time Academy Award–winning manufacturer of projection screens and projection screen materials for the AV industry, Stewart Filmscreen delivers on the promise of a high-performance experience when it matters most. That’s why Christie and Digital Projection—high-end projector manufacturers—have both entrusted their screen needs to Stewart Filmscreen at InfoComm 2018, the commercial industry’s premier trade event.
“The best image performance in any application is Stewart Filmscreen’s primary objective,” says Stewart Filmscreen CEO and President, Shannon Townley. “Whether it is a large venue, a small office conference room, a commercial theater, or a house of worship, Stewart has the ideal screen material to meet all the demands of the most challenging environments. We invite attendees to visit our partners’ booths to see our screens in critical environments where performance is demanded.”
Christie will showcase a large venue, edge-blending application with a fixed frame 286-inch diagonal GrayMatte 70 front projection screen in booth N706. GrayMatte 70 is a neutral-density, gray screen surface that dampens cross reflection in deeply curved or circular projection installations. It’s an excellent tool for neutral attenuation of overlit displays using large, high resolution, projectors with small screens. GrayMatte reserves contrast when using a bright projector on a small image area and has excellent performance where ambient light is not completely controlled. It also boasts an extremely wide viewing cone for off-axis seating areas.
Digital Projection will show off its projection technology using Stewart screens exclusively at booth C2018, including two 110-inch diagonal, two 135-inch diagonal, and one 165-inch diagonal FilmScreen 100 rear-projection screens. FilmScreen 100 is a flexible, rear-projection screen material formulated with a neutral density gray tint for enhanced contrast. It offers a very wide viewing angle for a contrast-enhanced material and works well in short-throw projection light paths. FilmScreen 100 is an excellent performer in rooms with some ambient light present and offers wide viewing angles, anti hot-spotting, and more. Finally, Digital Projection will also show a SnoMatte 100 220-inch diagonal front-projection screen with their recently released 8K resolution projector.
SnoMatte 100 is a flexible, front projection, matte-white screen formulated to meet the strictest color and white field uniformity standards. This unity gain material is an optimal diffuser and disperses light in a near perfect, hemispherical distribution. SnoMatte 100 is the de facto standard for Digital Intermediary and Color Timing Post Production facilities.
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