Sony, NEC, Panasonic and Samsung Show Strength in Flat Panels According to Latest TFCinfo Report

tfcinfo-0613TFCinfo has announced the completion of its annual Flat Panel Brand Customer Perception and Preference Study 2013. This is the 7th year that TFCinfo has conducted this research which analyzes and compares perceptions and preferences for LCD, LED and plasma displays among both business and home users. “By analyzing brand strength and perceptions across important market segments, a clear picture emerges year over year as to where brands fall short and where they are improving in each of these segments,” says Tanya Lippke, TFCinfo director of survey market research. “This research not only analyzes the important aspects of brands and their competitive profiles, but also features, such as higher refresh rates, lower power consumption, and 3DTV.  This research reveals which features are most important to end users, the level of interest in upgraded features at different display sizes, and how much more customers are willing to pay for these features.”

When focusing on the three main elements of brand strength which are studied in depth in this research: awareness, image, and intent, some interesting findings are revealed through historical trend analysis in comparing the yearly results.


Most notable are Sony, Samsung and Panasonic. All three brands come in at the top on unaided free recall among both the business and home entertainment segments. NEC, Mitsubishi and Samsung are important to note as these brands increased their free recall scores this year in both markets surveyed. Unaided free recall is extremely important to ensure that brands comes to mind to be included in the important pre-purchase research. LG has had a great year when it comes to aided brand recognition, taking the #2 spot among those in business and #3 in entertainment.


A clear picture is forming with regard to some of the most important flat panel purchasing factors and the brands that are being associated with them. Some of the most important factors end users are looking at when purchasing a flat panel are overall picture quality, reliability and price. This year experienced flat panel users and purchasers name Sony, Samsung and Panasonic as the top brands described as having an excellent image quality. Respondents name Vizio, Acer and Viewsonic as the brands that offer the best price (value), while on the polar end Samsung, Sony and Panasonic are named as offering a better investment (higher price/higher quality). This is a great position for Samsung to be in as end users in this research are viewing the brand as both a great value and a high quality investment.


While this research shows that Samsung, Sony, and LG are the most considered brands for purchase, it is important to note the movement among other brands. While NEC may not be one of the most recognized flat panel brands, the brand has been extremely consistent and solid in their growth. NEC has posted an increase in purchase consideration each year, for the past four years now. They have improved their consideration levels among the business segment by roughly 15 percent since 2009. Samsung is another brand where their momentum cannot be ignored. Samsung has done a phenomenal job with its image in this category and it shows in their purchase consideration scores.  This tracking study shows that Samsung has improved their numbers every year for the past six years, gaining nearly 25 percent consideration since 2007.

“Many brands post great scores this year, even some of the lesser known brands. This is very positive news for these brands as initial end user consideration is crucial,” said Lippke. “In order for brands to turn this consideration into an actual purchase, consumers must have a clear understanding as to what your brand offers in correlation to the purchasing factors that are most important to them. This report reveals what messages the major brands are delivering and how these perceptions are affecting them in the market-place.”

Many brands were researched in-depth and each show significant strengths and weaknesses in certain areas.  Brands that are analyzed in depth include: Acer, LG, Mitsubishi, NEC, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, Viewsonic and Vizio.

You can get the entire report here.
