rePLAY InfoComm 2022 Day 3 — Wrapping Up the Week
Welcome back for Day Three of rePLAY, where we talk about all things InfoComm 2022! Our hosts, Managing Editor Steph Beckett and Marketing Director Emily Dean, are back again for one more day, joined by AV professionals and guests to discuss their perspectives on InfoComm 2022.
Some Favorite Products of the Day
A big trend this year at InfoComm was software integration and software-based solutions. Creston was one of the larger companies at InfoComm. Steph and Emily showed a video of the Crestron Flex, a digital workplace platform that focused on intelligent video, scheduling, wireless conferencing and hybrid workspaces.
Audinate Group Limited, the creators of the Dante solution, have historically relied on chips. But, since the shortage, they have utilized a software-based solution — and showed it at InfoComm.
Epson showed its latest three-chip, 3LCD laser projection solutions at InfoComm 2022, including the world’s smallest and lightest 20,000-lumen and 10,000-lumen laser projectors. Steph and Emily showed a video of an executive interview Steph hosted in the Epson booth.
“We’re really thrilled to be back,” Epson’s Mark Roslon said. “We really wanted to tell the product story. There’s really so much going on in the market right now so we wanted to showcase how we’re responding to that. I think it came really well; I’m really pleased with the feedback we’ve received.”
Two Great Panels
Steph and Emily hosted two panels during the day discussing digital signage, audio and more from InfoComm. In the first panel of the day, they spoke with Lisa Perrine of Cibola Systems, Noreen Esson of AVI-SPL Canada and Steven King of UNC Chapel Hill.
Esson said that it was amazing to see people experiment with digital art and NFTs when it came to digital signage. She also said content at InfoComm was elevated this year.
Perrine said that she loved the emphasis on storytelling. She appreciates the ability to tell a story as opposed to just providing information.
When asked about the analytics of digital signage, Esson said, “Analytics is something that we rely on. What we want to do as integrations is we want to serve our clients and what better way to do that than understand them?”
It's time for the #DigitalSignage Report! Our hosts @stephlbeckett and Emily Dean are joined by @noreenesson, @steven_king and Lisa Perrine to talk about emerging trends and which products stood out at #InfoComm22.
Tune in to #rePLAY, here:
— rAVe [PUBS] (@rAVePubs) June 16, 2022
In the next panel all about audio, Rebecca Sullins of ProMedia Audio Video and Jeremy Caldera of Pearl Technology weighed in on InfoComm and what they hope to see in the years to come.
Rebecca said, “It was great to be back and to be able to go to the demo rooms. Of course, InfoComm was different this year. There was so much focus on supply chain issues. What that says to me is there is a lot more focus on, especially on the education side, of going back to the basics.”
“I hope we’re going to see some supply chain improvements,” Jeremy added. He hopes to find new and exciting innovations next year at InfoComm, while the industry continues to combat the present supply chain issues.
Steph also spoke with Alesia Hendley, also known as @TheSmoothFactor in a short UNSCRIPTED session, where the two were able to delve into creativity and inclusivity in the AV industry.
“I think people in the industry are realizing that AV can be beautiful and is beautiful,” Steph said. “People our age want to be excited about things; we want to be passionate about AV. I think that draws a lot of people.”
There has been a focus on adding creativity to the AV industry recently, with more people being deliberate about what they showcase in their booths during trade shows. Many more millennials and young people are entering the industry and attending shows — adding to this.
“We’re stepping away from tradition,” Alesia said. “I have a lot of hope for what’s coming. We want more diversity and inclusion in the AV industry.”
In an UNSCRIPTED session with Emily, Rachael Harris, senior infrastructure engineer – event video streaming at American Express, spoke to Emily about various streaming products and event technology. Harris said that it’s going to take a special, driven company to accomplish a totally hybrid environment. The two discussed the future of events and whether or not even events, like trade shows, could eventually be hybrid as well.
“We can’t replace in-person events, we can only augment it,” Emily said.
Grand Finale
Here at rePLAY, we had a great time highlighting some of our favorite parts of InfoComm 2022 and hearing from others about theirs. If you still haven’t gotten enough of InfoComm, you can find all the videos, podcasts, booth tours and more right here at our microsite.
As always, rePLAY InfoComm 2022 will also be on demand via LAVNCH — you can feel free to catch all this content there as well!