Register for InfoComm Now

InfoComm11-logo-0111I am writing this today to ask for your help. We are on a mission to make this year’s InfoComm show the highest attended AV show, ever. And, there’s no reason that it can’t be.

Why do we care?

Well, at rAVe we spend a lot of time and money carefully tracking the industry trends, product impact, technological movements and the communication between people in AV. And, we’ve noticed a shift. And, a good one.

But, as timing has it, the shift of a giant wave of growth and expansion in AV happens to be timed (based on all our research and our knowledge-base) to happen this Fall. So?

Well, right now — and heading into InfoComm — that means that your boss, your manager and the owners of the big AV integration firms, design consulting firm partners, digital signage dealers and AV manufacturers are all moving very timidly. But, they don’t see what we see. We are focused on ALL aspects of AV – not just the segment of the market they are in; you are in. We are seeing a shift — and it’s a good one. And, it’s coming. But, the great majority of the shift will occur this fall — well past InfoComm.

But, unfortunately those same leaders (your bosses) may not see it by the time they have to approve YOU attending InfoComm — a show that ALL of you reading this NEED to attend.

So, we’re going to try and HELP you convince them. Over the next few months through our writing, we’ll point to specific trends that bode well for the health of the VA market and, especially, the positive shift we see this fall. And, you can watch for these articles and point them out to your manager, your boss, your owner — your decision maker.

In the meantime, one BIG thing (and very simple step you can take) is to click here: and register for InfoComm using the code: MCTRA

Prepare to be there. Register for InfoComm NOW!
