Parasound Turns to SnapAV to Distribute Its Products

parasound snapav

SnapAV announced a strategic distribution partnership with Parasound to make 41 Parasound products immediately available to SnapAV customers.

SnapAV customers who complete the approval process immediately have access to Parasound’s home theater, two-channel systems, multiroom audio and its line of Halo products. The partnership provides SnapAV dealers with full access to four distinct product lines:

  • Halo: Parasound’s line of power amps, integrated amps, and preamps.
  • ZoneMaster: These amplifiers are made for custom installation, combining Class-AB sound with Class D power modules. The lineup includes two, four and 12-channel power amplifiers.
  • Z Custom: Ultra-compact components where space is tight.
  • NewClassic: Parasound’s two-channel power amplifiers and a preamplifier.