Ole Wolff Partners with Sound Hub for Product Development
An active partnership collaboration between the worldwide acknowledged Ole Wolff Electronics A/S and Sound Hub Denmark is now a reality. Ole Wolff Electronics is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality transducers and magnetics. They provide custom-designed solutions for a broad range of first-tier companies in the consumer electronics industry.
‘We have decided to join and partner with Sound Hub because we have a shared target group – the sound and acoustics industry – and see great business potential in the hub concentration of competencies. We expect potential synergy with Sound Hub Denmark, which is attracting a lot of innovative and interesting sound companies that will benefit from our solutions’, states Morten Kjeldsen, Specialist in Micro Acoustics at Ole Wolff Electronics.
Ole Wolff Electronics will be establishing a fly-in office at the premises in Struer and will be an active co-worker in several areas. First and foremost, mentoring and sparring to start-ups and with an intent to plan and speak at events and seminars within their line of expertise.
Morten Kjeldsen is one of the first to be present with a desk at Sound Hub Denmark:
‘I look forward to meeting and working with all the interesting people in these wonderful surroundings. Here you have both a touch of the past and a look to the future in one place. Meeting other like-minded people is always inspiring, and I hope to be challenged by new ideas and be able to offer sparring and input to start-ups and other innovators I’ll meet here.’
For companies at Sound Hub, one of the benefits will be that Ole Wolff Electronics will offer products and solutions for prototypes at highly attractive terms. This will benefit start-ups in terms of cost savings in the early stages of product development. This has already been relevant for the creation of prototypes for the Sound Kit, a sound teaching platform for youth education run by Sound Hub, where STEM topics are explored through sound. Besides, residents will find Ole Wolff Electronics products as part of the materials library.
‘We are happy to welcome Ole Wolff Electronics, who will be a great contribution to the skill set here at Sound Hub. Our job will be to match them with relevant clients and partners that are here short or long-term. We believe they can provide yet another great offering if you work in the sound industry or related areas’, CEO of Sound Hub Denmark, Peter Petersen concludes.
For more information, contact:
Ole Wolff Electronics A/S, Specialist in Micro Acoustics, Morten Kjeldsen, Phone + 45 26 32 28 79 or mk@owolff.com
Sound Hub Denmark A/S, CEO Peter Petersen, Phone +45 40 45 65 69 or pp@soundhub.dk