No Golden Eggs Yet?
Required disclaimer: This represents the opinion and experience of me personally and does not represent any specific policy, law or official guidance.
Returning from InfoComm 2013 can definitely be somewhat disappointing. After looking at all the fascinating new trends in the ProAV market and seeing the latest trends heading our way, I feel as though I’m still looking for the Golden-Egg laying goose!
Don’t think I don’t see all the value added on the latest trends in the AV industry. I do! However, all this great new technology still has me sitting down and analyzing data to forecast results using keyboards, mice, telephones and some relevant computing device with a HDMI digital display. Granted, it is getting clearer to me that the commercial industry isn’t relying on the old faithful government any longer, and especially my work life doesn’t require cutting edge technology. Or does it? I believe this is our government’s most challenging task: doing more with less. Does this sound at all like an opportunity for technology?
Over the next few months, I’d like all of us in our professional work to look at our daily tasks and find other technological solutions that will help to do more with less. If you have recommendations please share them in the comments section!
Don Palmer has 15 years in Civilian Federal service, during all of which he’s been involved with AV- and IT-related project management, including aspects of budget and procurement. Prior to joining the federal government, Don worked in telecommunications and network communications with a large outsourcing call center. Reach him at