NanoLumens Wins Big with Station Casinos’ Race & Sports Book Three-Peat!
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, August 25, 2016 – Building on the success of its installations at Station Casinos’ Red Rock Resort and Green Valley Ranch Resort, NanoLumens, the industry leading manufacturer and marketer of indoor and outdoor LED visualization solutions, today announced the completion of its third Race & Sports Book at Santa Fe Station in Las Vegas— just in time for the start of preseason NFL football.
Ever since the NanoSlim Engage solutions were first installed in its Red Rock Resort’s Race & Sports Book last year, patrons have applauded and greatly enjoyed the incredible viewing experience. “We upgraded the Red Rock Resort video screen technology at this time last year, just before the start of the football season,” Dave Merlino, NanoLumens Area Director West, said. “Station Casinos saw standing room only in the sports book every Sunday during the football season. What’s more, guests are taking fuller advantage of what the property has to offer, because the games are so much more enjoyable to watch on the NanoLumens displays.”
Similar to the first two projects, five 2.5mm NanoSlim Engage solutions were installed in the Santa Fe Station sports book, replacing aging projection technology, making this another top entertainment destination for sport event wagering. Each display was customized to fit perfectly into the old projection screen’s space, eliminating any need to alter the existing infrastructure of the sports book. To complete all three projects, NanoLumens worked with Station Casinos’ longtime technology partner, National Technology Associates (NTA).
“Prior to any of the projects, we were at a tradeshow with Station Casinos and met with the NanoLumens team,” H Waldman, Chief Operating Officer at NTA, stated. “Since then, NanoLumens has been incredibly helpful, supportive and forthcoming with information throughout the entire process. They were an incredible help in designing and engineering each of these three Race & Sports Book locations.”
Although the three Station Casinos’ Race & Sport Books look similar, minor design modifications were made to best fit each specific venue. “Every NanoLumens display is custom made for its location, so the display size differs slightly at each venue,” Merlino explained. “The NanoSlim Engage size was determined by the projection system’s pre-existing spaces. Additionally, all three locations have different physical structures, so we had to determine how to safely mount the displays at each location.”
At Red Rock Resort and Green Valley Ranch Resort, NanoLumens was able to easily suspend the NanoSlim Engage solutions from the ceiling. However, Santa Fe Station’s structure would not allow for that to happen. “We built custom support beams from the ground up, and attached the 22.1’ x 11.9’ NanoSlim Engage solutions to the supports,” Merlino continued. “This goes to show that NanoLumens will work with each client individually to make the installation process as seamless and as smooth as possible.”
Waldman agreed that the installation process was completed without a hitch. “The project went extremely smoothly,” he stated. “Since this is the third project, everyone knows the game and the system. This installation only took one month; the last two displays were installed in just one week!”
During the installation process, the Race and Sports Book at Santa Fe Station was able to operate under its normal business hours. NanoLumens installed one display at a time, so absolutely no disruption to the guest experience occurred during the project. All five solutions are significantly brighter than the projectors they replaced, creating a state-of-the-art viewing and wagering experience for Santa Fe Station’s patrons. What’s more, each LED solution uses significantly less energy and requires considerably less maintenance for Santa Fe Station. “Each NanoSlim Engage installed is only running at 30-percent brightness, so this is an investment that will continue to galvanize patrons for years to come,” Merlino added.
Although the installation is complete, NanoLumens is still available to constantly support Station Casinos’ properties. The company recently opened a multi-million dollar LED visualization center in Las Vegas to better serve its clients in the western region of the United States. “If any issues do arise at any of the Race and Sports Books, our Las Vegas team can drive over and take care of it immediately,” Merlino concluded.