MultiDyne Fiber Optic Solutions Intros More SilverBULLET Series Adapters
MultiDyne Fiber Optic Solutions introduced the second generation of its SilverBULLET series, a miniature fiber-optic link and signal conversion solution including agnostic signal support from 5Mbps to 12Gbps. MultiDyne says the SilverBULLET transmitters and receivers are built for a variety of purposes, from 24/7 broadcast applications to specialty use cases where small footprint and a ruggedized form factor are key design requirements. MultiDyne says the transmitters are also portable and economical, making them equally useful for last-minute SDI video feeds to AES and MADI audio feeds. SilverBULLETs are also last-minute problem solvers that can repair a failed connection or address an unexpected transport requirement. Each device is encased in machined aluminum for optimal durability, which also makes them ideal for critical situations, according to the company.
MultiDyne says the SilverBULLET is 12G-capable for high-bandwidth, single-link transport to and from any video source. Built-in cable equalization and re-clocking optimizes signal integrity across all short- and long-distance transport, reducing the presence of existing jitter from input signals. The SilverBULLET supports all SDI rates down to 5Mbps, making them a flexible tool for courtesy feeds, confidence monitoring, distance learning and other broadcast and commercial AV applications.
The company says the updated SilverBULLET can equalize up to 75m of coax at 12G and 200m at 3G, and has an integrated optical power meter on receiver units. Power input is wide-ranging, spanning from to 5-16VDC so that the solution can be powered from simple USB power sources including cameras and monitors. Options include USB-A and USB-C to miniXLR 4pin power adapter cables, and full-size and HDBNC patch cables. The new SilverBULLETs can also operate in high-temperature and high-humidity environments.