MNS doubles REC.VC capacity in Americas
OSLO, NORWAY – October 9, 2018: Media Network Services (MNS), a leading provider of video collaboration network and services, today announced that it has doubled its REC.VC video conferencing recording capacity for customers in Americas.
In September MNS upgraded the REC.VC infrastructure capacity with its Equinix data centers in Ashburn, VA, serving customers in Americas, to handle more recordings hours. The growth in consumed REC.VC recording hours globally grew with 117% from Q3 in 2017 to Q3 in 2018.
“We have in the past month doubled the REC.VC recording capacity with our US data centers to accommodate the high demand from both new and existing customers in Americas”, says Kjell Oksendal, CMO and SVP Global Alliances with MNS. “REC.VC is today being used around the clock by customers of all sizes and verticals, with use cases ranging from live streaming of town hall meetings and customer webinars, to record & share of video meetings and lecture capture.”
In addition to Ashburn, the REC.VC service is also offered out of Frankfurt, Germany, and Oslo, Norway. In each location, REC.VC uses one data center for production and a separate data center for backup and redundancy mirroring the production site. REC.VC customers can with the dual data center configuration rest assure that their recordings are always processed and stored in the location and jurisdiction of their choosing.
REC.VC supports recording and streaming from popular collaboration platforms such as Cisco (WebEX and CMS), Microsoft, Polycom, Pexip and StarLeaf.