Middle Atlantic Announces New Q-SYS Certified Plug-in for NEXSYS UPSs with RackLink
Middle Atlantic Products, a brand of Legrand AV, announced the availability of the new Q-SYS Certified control plug-in for its NEXSYS Series UPS Backup Power System with RackLink. Developed by Control Concepts, the new Q-SYS plug-in enables control of NEXSYS UPSs via Q-SYS.
The new Q-SYS Certified plugin for the NEXSYS Series UPS Backup Power System with RackLink is now available for download in Q-SYS Designer Asset Manager. The new NEXSYS firmware update (1.10 0.08) is available from the product pages and Power Downloads page on legrandav.com and is required to activate the functionality.
A Q-SYS Technology Partner since 2023, Middle Atlantic also has Q-SYS Certified plugin integrations for its Premium+ Series PDUs with RackLink and Select Series PDUs with RackLink.
The NEXSYS line of interactive UPS units is available now, and the NEXSYS UPX Online UPS series will be available in July.
Download the new NEXSYS firmware update here.