Mentoring Matters: Find Out Why in this Girl Boss LAVNCH & LEARN
According to a study by Odyssey Mentoring, people who mentor typically earn $25,000 a year in additional compensation, on average, then do people who do not mentor.
In the final episode of our Girl Boss series—held on March 14 at 1 p.m. ET—Megan A. Dutta will be joined by Cory Schaeffer and Carol Campbell to discuss why mentoring matters, how to get involved as a mentor or mentee and the benefits of entering into a mentor/mentee relationship.
“Mentoring is so critical to professional development,” said Campbell, the founder of Women in Consumer Technology. “Support is a powerful thing, and I’m thrilled to be joining Megan and others to discuss this important topic on March 14.”
“It has been such a pleasure working on the Girl Boss series with these powerful women,” said Dutta. “While I’m sad the series is coming to an end, I’m proud of the impact we’ve made and excited to host our final episode where we’ll discuss the importance of mentoring. A special thank you to Gina Sansivero and AtlasIED for supporting the series!”
To register for “Level Up: How to Mentor and Be Mentored”, visit