Leon Speakers Adds Profile Edge Media Frame for Concealing Speakers Around a Display

leon speakers profile edge media frame

Leon Speakers announced something dubbed the Profile Edge Media Frame, a custom-fit solution, Profile Edge’s design conceals and frames Leon’s side-mount speakers alongside any display.

Like all Edge products, Leon says the new Profile Edge is engineered to install easily and is built to fit the exact dimensions of a television. It is available in a variety of Leon standard finishes including hardwoods, with additional options for custom paint matching and Designer Grille Fabrics.

The Profile Edge’s side-mounted speakers create a “broader, more cohesive sound stage for any room.” Four audio performance options: ultra-thin Profile 44UX, Profile 55UX, Profile ULTIMA and flagship reference-grade Profile SEVENs, are available in both two-channel and multichannel configurations to meet the “audiovisual needs of any room.”
