Kayye’s Students Raise Money for Charity with Class Project

nmtifamp-1113rAVe founder Gary Kayye teaches a class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill called “New Media Technology & Its Impact on the Future of Advertising, Marketing and PR.” Every fall semester the two sections of the class compete on a new media project. This year the two classes had to use social media to promote a series of events that would raise money for a local charity of the students’ choice. The main events were both held last Thursday and benefited The Monday Life, a non-profit that helps hospitalized children feel better and heal faster by improving hospital environments, and Camp Kesem, a camp for children age 6 to 16 who have a parent or sibling with cancer.

Local publication Chapelboro did a longer piece on the two projects, as well as a radio interview, which you can read or listen to here.
