Join Us for AI Day on July 16!
Did you know that July 16 is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciation Day? Each year, this day honors AI technology’s positive contributions to humanity. It is also designed to highlight AI ethics and encourage a national conversation about AI.
To celebrate, both rAVe [PUBS] and LAVNCH [CODE} will be publishing new blogs every hour from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. ET focused on AI.
“At rAVe [PUBS], we’re focused on the ways AI intersects with ProAV technology,” said Steph Beckett, managing editor, rAVe [PUBS]. “Our readers will be delighted to learn more about this emerging tech and how it comes into play with market segments like security integration, higher ed, pro audio and more.”
“AI impacts every aspect of the emerging technologies we cover so it only made sense for us to celebrate AI Day in a big way,” added Megan A. Dutta, editor-in-chief of LAVNCH [CODE]. “I’m excited for our readers to hear from a variety of industry experts for perspectives on various aspects of how artificial intelligence works with the metaverse, smart cities, content creation and more.”
On July 16, click here to read AI Day stories from rAVe [PUBS] and click here to read AI Day stories from LAVNCH [CODE].
Can’t wait until July 16 to dive into AI? Click here to read rAVe [PUBS] stories related to artificial intelligence.