Strategic Alliance Between ISS and Barco Offers Control Room Operators Faster Response Time
Barco and Intelligent Security Systems (ISS) have announced their new strategic alliance that will focus on the software integration between the ISS SecurOS platform for video management and analysis, and Barco’s Control Room Management Suite (CMS).
According to Barco, with SecurOS, ISS offers security professionals around the world an all-encompassing and open platform for video surveillance. Barco, for its part, develops flexible and mission-critical visualization software and hardware solutions including the CMS; an integration-friendly, advanced software suite for easy video wall management, inter-control room collaboration and swift decision-making based on the sharing of visual information. While both systems have proven their strengths with various customers and diverse situations over the past six years, this software integration now becomes a native feature of SecurOS.
Barco-powered video walls can now be controlled either with the Barco CMS Sidebar, through an ISS SecurOS client, or using a mix of both, based on the preferred workflow in customers’ control centers. Through the SecurOS Barco control panel, control room operators can select pre-configured CMS perspectives — sets of visual sources providing situational awareness. Using the SecurOS user interface, operators can easily drag and drop any video source onto the active perspective on the Barco video wall, as well as switch between perspectives on the fly.
The software integration offers control room operators greater situational awareness and shorter reaction times thanks to the drag-and-drop functionality. What’s more, since all of these functionalities will be offered within a familiar environment, they will require little to no additional training.
Here are more details on Barco’s Control Room solutions.