InfoComm Announces 2007 Board Results
InfoComm International announced the 2007 Board of Governors results. As of January 1, 2007, Randy Pagnan, CTS, of rp Visual Solutions will ascend to Chairman of the Board; Jay Armand, CTS, of Advanced Audio Visual will become President; and Mark Valenti, of the Sextant Group, will be designated President-Elect. The InfoComm membership also elected Jay Rogina, of Spinitar, as Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Governors for the 2007 term.
Rashid Skaf, of AMX, and Mark Gander, of Harman Pro, were elected to two-year Governor-at-Large terms beginning in 2007. Mike Vergawen, CTS, of AVI Midwest, was re-elected to a second two-year term as a Governor-at-Large.
Several council chairs were also elected. Logan Enright, of The Enright Company, was re-elected Chair of the Independent Reps Council; Tom Stimson, CTS, of The Stimson Group, was re-elected Chair of the Rental and Staging Council; Ernie Bailey, CTS, of University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, was elected Chair of the Technology Managers Council.
Appointed to the Board as heads of the Association’s committees are Blake Brubaker, CTS, of Da-Lite Screen Company, Inc., Chair of the Exhibitors Committee; Chad Gillenwater, of SPL Integrated Solutions, Chair of the Membership Committee; and L. William Nattress III, CTS-D, CTS-I, of Shen Milsom & Wilke, Chair of the Professional Education and Training Committee (PETC).
Board members serving their second year of a two year term fill out the Board roster. They are Jim Ford, PE, Ford Audio Video and Mike White, CTS, Multi-Media Solutions, Inc., who serve as Governors-at-Large; and Tim Cape, CTS-D, of Technitect, Chair of the Independent Consultants in AV Technologies (ICAT) Council; Lee Dodson of Extron Electronics, Chair of the Manufacturers Council; Todd Dunn, CTS, of Denmar Services, Chair of the Presentations Council; Howard Nunes of Pepperdash Technology Corp., Chair of the Independent Programmers Council; Brian Pipe, of Arup Communications, Chair of the European Council; Jim Smith, CTS, of HB Communications, Chair of the Sound, Audio Visual & Video Integrators (SAVVI) Council; and Andrew Yuen, CTS, of Edcom Limited, Chair of the Australasian Council.