In Memory of Denise Harrison

denise-harrison-1015I was saddened to learn of the passing of my first ever editor, Denise Harrison.

If you’ve been a long-time reader of mine, then you likely have read her work. Denise was the first person who made me sound better. I have always been what is considered a prolific writer — but that doesn’t mean a good one. There are some days when I can’t think of anything to write about and there are days where stuff just flows like a high-bandwidth internet connection streaming tons of stuff. Some days, I would send her four or five things to edit at once. And, they always came back making me sound better; thus, making them easier for you to read.

Denise worked just like me. There were no off-hours. I could send her something over a weekend and she’d send it back to me within a few hours, edited. Better.

Thank you, Denise. Thank you.

Denise loved to write, read and correct.

Denise finished out her AV career as the director of marketing for PSNI, the leading network of independent audiovisual and broadcast communications systems integrators.

She lost her battle with cancer yesterday.
