IED Intros GLOBALCOM EN54-16 Compliant System
Innovative Electronic Designs has launched GLOBALCOM platform designed to meet the criteria for EN54-16 compliance.
The heart of the EN54-16 compliant GLOBALCOM system is the 5400ACS Announcement Control System. This integrated announcement controller contains all of the intelligence to manage an entire system of emergency communication stations, digital zone manager amplifier units, and other network peripherals. The 5400ACS manages the system in compliance with the EN54-16 standard, performing overall supervision and reporting of equipment faults plus any ongoing alarm conditions.
IED will additionally be offering Digital Zone Managers, the 5404DZM and 5432DZM, that provide line level audio outputs to paired four-channel amplifier units and manages up to 32 paging zones as assigned from the 5400ACS as well as providing backup amplifier switching. Three new 4-channel amplifier models 5414AMP, 5434AMP, and 5454AMP, will also be available and will offer 100 watts, 300 watts or 500 watts per channel at 100V output. Additionally IED will be offering two digital communication stations. The 5416CS includes 16 programmable buttons and is available with either a gooseneck or handheld microphone. The 5450CS features a fully programmable touch screen interface and is also available with either a gooseneck or handheld microphone.