Holiday Preparations



big bells

Christmas is just around the corner! Time for a holiday Public Service Announcement.

I believe in the importance writing Thank You cards to clients, as well as sending them Holiday greetings as well.

It can be somewhat arduous and time consuming, especially if your handwriting is as poor as mine, but it’s an activity with an ultimately minimal time commitment that helps build relationships with your clients.

These days I think it’s even more effective, since the practice of sending cards to clients and customers seems to be dying out.

Even worse, businesses that do it mass produce them and mail them in bulk.

I’m not especially touched by a mass-mailout sent from the dealership where I bought my car.

It’s even less touching if It’s from the dealership for a car that I haven’t owned for eight years.

Now, if I got a hand written card from a car salesman, not just the one I most recently bought from, but ANY of them, I would be genuinely warmed by that.

I will say however, now’s the time of year to put writing Thank You cards on hiatus until after New Year’s Eve.

Not just for retailers, either. It’s especially true for you AV Pros for any quick “rush jobs” you’ve recently undertaken.

Especially if you were paid in cash.

After all, you wouldn’t want to ruin your client’s surprise Media Room Christmas present for their family.


