Herman’s Own AV Technician will donate profits from his album, Is This Real, to the homeless
TAMPA, FL. – April 23, 2015 – Herman Integration Services (www.Herman-IS.com) provides experienced technical labor resources to professional AV systems integrators nationwide. Herman-IS employs more than 90 AV technicians nationally. “When I heard that Danny Sparks, an AV Technician with us since December, had written and produced his own album, I was impressed. But when I heard he was donating the proceeds to the homeless, I was proud to know that one of our own was giving back to the community in such an inspiring way. His story is amazing, and we want to support him in his efforts,” said Chris Bianchet, President.
Like many in the AV industry, music is a passion for Danny Sparks. Two years ago, Sparks lost everything including his job as an AV technician, but in the process of rebuilding his life, he has found so much more.
While always spiritual, Danny relied heavily on his faith when he became homeless in 2013. As his faith grew stronger so did his voice. Even though he was interested in music at a young age, it wasn’t till he was homeless that Danny had something musically to say.
Transformed by his experiences on the streets, Danny started recording his music. In December, he rejoined the AV industry and became a part of the Herman-IS team. Things have been looking up ever since. In February, Danny was invited to try out for the Voice and in the process of moving to Florida from Charlotte, he got a call looking to promote his music on the radio.
Today, Danny’s music can be found on Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify and will soon be heard on Country and Christian radio stations. Best of all, Danny sees this album as a way to support others who have found themselves in a similar situation. Danny is donating his portion of the profits from the sale of Is This Real to Hope Haven, Inc. in Charlotte, N.C. that provides life skills for homeless, chemically dependent adults and families within a supportive residential environment leading to independence.
About Danny Sparks
Danny Sparks was born in North Carolina and was introduced to music at an early age. He got his first guitar as a Christmas gift. When Danny ended up homeless in 2013, he renewed his focus on his church and his family and realigned his priorities in an effort to turn his life around. He started writing music again and ended up in a studio to record his inspired music. Changing Time is Danny’s first single on Country Radio and Words is Danny’s first single on Christian Radio.
About Herman
Herman is the leading provider of professional AV products, procurement services and labor resources to systems integrators in the commercial AV and broadcast industries. Celebrating 50 years in business, Herman has leveraged its industry experience to help customers improve operational efficiencies and achieve cost savings related to the procurement and management of project materials and labor resources. Herman corporate offices are located in Miami, Florida with three additional distribution facilities located in Georgia, New Jersey, and Nevada. To learn more about Herman’s products and services, visit http://www.hermanavgroup.com.