Gary Kayye Is UB Tech’s Opening Keynote Speaker for Third Year in a Row

On Monday, rAVe co-founder, Gary Kayye, will address the 1,000+ registered attendees of 2019 UB Tech Conference, the top conference for higher education leaders, technology gurus and tech professionals.

His topic? It’s sort-of about how the ubiquitous “network” is changing everything on campus — specifically, how we can leverage the always-connected network to teach to the rising Generation Z’ers who are about to occupy all of the world’s higher education classrooms; the last of Generation Y (the Millennials) graduates from college in 2020.

“When I first started teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I was given a book by my dean on how to teach to Millennials,” explained Kayye. “It was a godsend as it helped me understand how they think, work, collaborate and communicate.”

But, as Kayye will explain in his Monday afternoon opening address at the Hilton Orlando Bonnett Creek Conference Center, the past two semesters’ classes have been mixed with Millennials and Generation Z kids and they aren’t the same.

Kayye explains, “They may look similar and act similar, but they aren’t. In fact, it’s like there’s a 19-year-old sitting right next to a 20-year-old and they both learn, collaborate and communicate totally differently.”

Kayye contends that this is going suddenly disrupt campuses as, for more than a decade and a half, professors (and the AV techs who support them) have become accustomed to the ways of Millennials and now there’s a totally different group, Generation Z, taking their place and they may look the same but act very, very differently.

How different? And why?

Well, you’ll have to attend — or watch the livestream, here.

If you’re interested in attending, go here.
