EVOKO’s Product Overview for COMM-TEC’s S14 Solutions Day

Both the Evoko Room Manager and Evoko Minto will be featured at COMM-TEC’s S14 Solutions Day on 30 September 2015 in Germany. Below is a review of the product line up from Evoko.

Evoko Room Manager 

evokoroommanager_0914It’s only a fingertip away. The Evoko Room Manager is the beautiful touch-screen solution for all your meeting rooms. Make sure they’re being used in a truly effective way. Forget about double bookings, confusion and Interrupted meetings. Book conference rooms easily and then have all information presented on the screen. Evoko Room Manger integrates seamlessly with the existing e-mail server. Now you’ll get full insight into your organization’s meeting patterns to optimize resources. Get decision-making support that really cuts costs. If you have rooms for improvement – get in touch with the Evoko Room Manager.

Evoko Minto 

UnknownSay hello to the most important participant in your future meetings. Say goodbye to background noise, distractions and comments that can’t be heard. Evoko Minto is intelligent, really easy to work with and all rather gorgeous. With a remarkable ability to hear what’s important and what isn’t. All thanks to a unique sound technology. Ready for use with your mobile phone, tablet or laptop: fast tracking you to the core of the meeting. Getting the message through to everyone –wherever you are.


More information on Evoko’s products can be found here.
