EAW Names Audio Source New Manufacturer’s Rep for Pacific Northwest, Alaska and Hawaii


Eastern Acoustic Works (EAW), a leader in professional audio solutions, has announced Audio Source, Inc. as its new manufacturer’s representative. Based in Moses Lake WA, Audio Source will serve the Pacific Northwest including Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, Northern California, Nevada and Idaho.

“We are very pleased to add a company of Audio Source’s caliber to our team,” says TJ Smith, President of EAW. “Audio Source has an outstanding reputation for excellence in product knowledge, as well as a passion for helping its clients create world class audio systems.”

With vast knowledge of EAW’s entire suite of products, a rich history in sales, and a dedicated focus to client relationships, Audio Source plans to grow EAW’s presence in their territory and beyond.

“Audio Source was founded on the premise of delivering sales results to the manufacturers we represent. We are excited to now be representing EAW, a company we have held in high regard for a very long time.” says Richard Gibson, Audio Source president
