DVIGear Releases Latest Version of DisplayNet Manager


DVIGear has released the latest version of DisplayNet Manager, DisplayNet 4.0. Freely available to all DisplayNet customers, this update offers “significant upgrades” to management, reference and debugging tools.

DVIGear says DisplayNet 4.0 introduces major upgrades to DisplayNet Manager, which enables the setup and maintenance of DisplayNet systems. Server Log Management enables DisplayNet Server logs to be viewed from within DisplayNet Manager, providing ready access to system diagnostics. Advanced Search and Filtering “greatly improve” system diagnostics, providing detailed log information to assist with debugging specific issues within large systems with heavy traffic.

Now built into DisplayNet Manager, DVIGear claims the new API Reference Manual includes a comprehensive reference guide for the DisplayNet API, in addition to detailed documentation of API objects. API connection and best practice guides are also included. DVIGear says the manual is easy to navigate, searchable and designed with a color palette that enhances readability in either dark or light mode.
