DSE’s Q1 Business Barometer Report Shows Big Time Growth

In addition to forecasting big-time gdse-logo-0510rowth for the rest of 2010, it also shows:

  • 97 percent of all survey participants continue to be positive about the future of the DS industry.
  • DOOH business projections for revenues in Q2 are anticipated to be higher.
  • While the average spend may be smaller, end-user companies report that more dollars are being committed to new or upgraded installations.
  • Hottest industry growth categories for the next twelve months include: Retail, Healthcare, Restaurant, Transportation, Education, Corporate Campus, and Public Spaces.
  • Close to a third of Ad Agency participants indicated that Q1 advertising spending was up over Q4, while over two-thirds of that same group forecast an even higher spend in Q2.
  • Top DOOH Network categories that Ad Agencies are investing in include: Retail, Restaurant, Transportation, Entertainment, Healthcare, Hospitality and Stadium/Arena.