DSE Launches New Digital Signage Federation
On Wednesday, the Digital Signage Expo announced that it is willing to step up and provide initial funding to launch a truly independent Digital Signage Trade Association this year. Dubbed the Digital Signage Federation, the association will be an independent 501c non-profit association with legal and professional by-laws and an elected Board of Directors who represent a cross-section of the industry and are therefore motivated to act in the industry’s best interest. Along with other member benefits still being finalized, the new Digital Signage Federation will provide a year-round education program for members and a full program of member services, featuring a vertical industry outreach program to bring the digital signage industry’s message to thousands of end users in 2011. Professional association management will support the new Federation and funds will be provided to make projects immediately actionable.
If you’re interested in becoming a member of the new association, go to: http://www.digitalsignagefederation.org/