DOOH Technology Platforms Team Up to Standardize Data
Six digital-out-of-home (DOOH) technology platforms — Adomni, Broadsign, Place Exchange, Verizon Media, VIOOH and Vistar Media — announced that they are coming together to bring standardization to digital-out-of-home venue (DOOH) data and help drive programmatic DOOH forward. Today, the consortium of ad tech innovators released a new set of recommendations, aligned with OpenRTB2.5, for labeling DOOH inventory in programmatic marketplaces based on screen type, audience and environment. Ensuring a mutual understanding between the DOOH buyer and seller in the bidstream and during the media transaction, these standards open up new inventory discovery opportunities, improve targeting and promote greater knowledge equality within the programmatic DOOH industry.
A range of naming conventions are used across DOOH transactions today to classify the same type of screen and venue. For example, “Retail” and “Mall” have historically been used interchangeably. In a programmatic marketplace, this nomenclature variation introduces challenges for DOOH transactions, which typically involve inventory from multiple publishers selling via different supply-side-platforms (SSPs). The new set of recommendations aims to bridge that gap, and reduce fragmentation. It provides DOOH publishers and SSPs with a common set of specifications for identifying DOOH venues and screens by specific geospatial and physical parameters and describing the associated conditions, environment and/or surroundings. “Retail,” for instance is classified as a “Parent” account with “Mall” considered a “Child” account underneath it along with other “Child” accounts such as “Gas Station,” “Pharmacy,” or “Grocery Store.”
Available here, this new set of standards represents the first in a series of ongoing collaborations from the consortium aimed at developing and delivering a global taxonomy and standards that can help propel DOOH into the programmatic ad tech mainstream.
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